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How to Apply for COVID19 Unemployment Insurance for Independent Beauty Professionals who work in NYC

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

The NY Dept of Labor website is being inundated with filing requests. Don't be surprised when you get almost to the end and the website starts acting up and you get booted off.

Don't get frustrated, make a plan. Set up a daily schedule of what times and how long you want to spend trying to get your claim processed. It will save your sanity! It's saving ours!

If you live in another State other than New York. Click here and scroll down to find your State Unemployment Insurance Office.

Step 1) How to sign up and start a claim.

Follow this link for a step-by-step guide on how set up an account on New York's Department of Labor website and begin an unemployment insurance claim.


Step 2) Once you've set up your .gov account

Scroll down for the Unemployment area and follow the instructions.

Click "File a Claim"


Step 3) When you get to"Personal Information Part 1"

follow this step-by-step guide on how to fill it out.

Note: on page 2 of the PDF, it's question #5 that you should look for.

We hope that you actually got to the end and your claim is filed!



Information on Corona Virus (Dept of Labor)

CARES ACT Unemployment Benefits Information

General Information about the Unemployment Insurance Program:

To file a UI claim online:

To file a claim by telephone number:

Coronavirus update: New York is providing updates on Unemployment Insurance changes related to COVID-19 here:

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